Contoh Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris Kelas V Dan Kunci Jawabannya

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) the a, b, c or d.
Question for number 1 - 5
Cika and Radit are students of elementary school. They are classmate. Alya likes story book and Radit likes reading non-fiction book. Both of them are smart students..
1. Are Cika and Radit classmate?
a. Yes, they do
b. Yes, they are
c. Yes, he is
d. Yes, Cika and Radit is classmate

2. What does Radit like?
a. Radit like reading non-fiction book
b. He Likes read non-fiction book
c. Radit like reading fiction book
d. He likes reading non-fiction book

3. What book does Cika like?
a. Reading   c. Holy Quran
b. news paper  d. story book

4. Is Radit smart student?
a. Yes, he does  c. Yes, He is
b. Yes Radit smart  d. no, She isn’t

5. Who likes reading story book?
a. Radit  c. Radit and Cika
b. Cika  d. None of them

6. Are you student of madrasah Ibtidaiyah…
a. Yes, I am  c. Yes, we aren’t
b. Yes, she is  d. No, I am is not

7. What are you doing at class…
a. I am studying c. I am climbing
b. I am singing  d. I am crying

8. The feminine word of  “Rooster” is …
a. Hen   c. queen
b. Lady   d. goose

Question for number 9-12

9. Who sends the message?
a. Iqbal   c. you
b. Safa   d. me

10. The message is for ….
a. Iqbal   c. You
b. Safa    d. Us

11. What should Iqbal bring?
a. English book c. social book
b. Javanese book d. science book

12. What will Iqbal and Safa do?
a. Answer the question
b. Practice the question
c. Discuss the task
d. Doing the task

13. What is the meaning of “silent” ?
a. To come back
b. Not making any noise
c. Call out loudly
d. To look for something

14. Kaila: I have a tootache
Nendra: you should …… a dentist
a. See    c. look for
b. Go    d. find

15. I sleep all night. In the morning, I feel
a. Sleepy   c. healthy
b. Sad   d. terrified

16. Dewa: …… the window, please! It is night.
Dina: Okay
a. Open   c. play
b. Close   d. turn

17. Devi: what do you need to go camping?
Azhar: I need ………..
a. A bed   c. a tent
b. A fan   d. a phone

18. Do you like camping?
a. Yes, I am   c. yes, I do
b. Yes we are   d. yes, I likes

19. What things do you need for camping?
a. Rope, fan, washing machine
b. Torch, broom, fan
c. Tent, rope, torch
d. Food, match, cellphone

20. Kana: the floor is wet. ………….. ?
Naya: yes Kana
a. Sweep the floor  c. tidy the floor
b. Mop the floor  d. turn the floor

21. Putri: where is my book
Haikal: (buku diatas meja)
a. It is above the table
b. It is in the table
c. It is under the table
d. It is on the table

22. To make camp fire, I need?
a. Torch    c. knife
b. Matches   d. compass

23. I use this tool to know the direction.
a. Compass   c. pail
b. Kettle   d. mattress

24. What is the meaning of “pramuka” in English?
a. Scout   c. young coconut
b. Tent   d. camp fire

25. I like …… English story book.
a. Reading   c. speaking
b. Writing   d. hearing

26. “Announcement” in Indonesia means…
a. Peraturan   c. periklanan
b. Penegasan   d. pengumuman

27. My teacher is …………… the lesson.
a. Explaining   c. explanation
b. Explain   d. explains

28. Today is Monday. I am doing ceremony flag at …
a. Classroom   c. school yard
b. Field   d. backyard

29. Mesty: what are you doing Pram?
Pram: (Saya sedang mengecat pagar)
a. I am colouring the fence
b. I am painting the wall
c. I am drawing the fence
d. I am painting the fence

30. Where are you going now?
The underlined word means …
a. Besok   c. sekarang
b. Lusa   d. kemarin

31. Every person has a hobby.
My hobby is ……………
a. Reading novel  c. eating rice
b. Sleeping at night  d. dreaming

32. Rendy likes collecting stamps.
His hobby is ……
a. Philately   c. hiking
b. Fishing   d. running

33. Kendy likes going to library.
Her hobby is ……
a. Reading   c. walking
b. Camping   d. sleeping

34. Yusuf likes playing ball.
His hobby is ……
a. Soccer   c. reading
b. Swimming   d. running

35. The bedroom is dirty. My mom asks me to ….
a. Wash   c. sell
b. Clean    d. move

36. My hobby is swimming. I like swimming at ….
a. Pool   c. pond
b. Bathtube   d. ocean

37. Hendri is watching tv.
The negative sentence is ….
a. Hendri not watching tv
b. Is hendri not watching tv?
c. Hendri is not watching tv
d. Hendri not is wathing tv

38. Your mother is cooking.
The question sentence is …
a. Your mother cooking is?
b. Is mother cooking your?
c. Is your mother cooking?
d. Your mother is cooking?

39. The boys are not playing badminton.
The affirmative sentence is ….
a. The boys isn’t playing badminton
b. The boys aren’t playing badminton
c. The boys are playing badminton
d. Are the boys playing badminton?

40. To practice morse code, I need …
a. Stick and flag  c. tent and map
b. Stick and matches  d. torch and flask

41. Students- task-doing-the-all-class-at-are
The good arrangement is ….
a. The student are doing the task all at class
b. All students are doing the task at class
c. At class, the student doing are all task
d. All the students are at class the task doing

42. What’s the meaning of “Attend” in Indonesian?
a. Aktivitas   c. pinjam
b. Hadir   d. diskusi

43. I am healthy.
What does it mean in Indonesian?
a. Saya kuat   c. saya bahagia
b. Saya sakit   d. saya sehat

44. Nendra likes going to the pond on sunday. He likes looking for fish. His hobby is …
a. planting   c. farming
b. fishing   d. reading

45. Teacher: attention, please?
“Attention” in Indonesian means ….
a. Pengumuman  c. perhatian
b. Penugasan  d. pemberitahuan

Read the text carefully and answer the questions for number 46 - 50.
It is last meeting at class in first semester. Teacher has announced next week is holiday for a week. Several students have prepared to enjoy their holiday. Mira and Manda have planned to go to recreational place at malang. Fian, Doni, Reza, Ega and Gilang have planned to go camping at Kakek Bodo Waterfall. Ega likes going camping near waterfall because his hobby is swimming. He wants to swim everyday during camping at Kakek Bodo waterfall. Doni and Gilang are their first experience to go camping. Fian usually spends holiday with family at villa. Rahma is planning to read her new novels that she had bought a week ago. All students are excited and can’t wait for the holiday.
46. Who wants to go camping?
a. Mira and manda
b. Fian doni and rahma
c. Rahma and gilang
d. Reza and ega

47. What is the announcement from teacher?
a. Camping for everyone.
b. Enjoy the holiday
c. Exciting a week holiday
d. Holiday for a week

48. Why Ega likes going camping near waterfall?
a. Ega likes going camping.
b. Ega likes swimming
c. Ega swimming at kakek bodo waterfall
d. Ega is swimming at camping

49. How many days they got holiday?
a. Ten days   c. fifty days
b. Fourteen days  d. seven days

50. What is Rahma doing during holiday?
a. Writing a story  c. reading a novel
b. Doing a home work d. sleeping all days

Kunci Jawaban Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris
 1  B 11  D 21  D 31  A 41 B

2  D 12  C 22  B 32  A 42  B
3  C 13  B 23  A 33  A 43  D
4  B 14  A 24  A 34  A 44  B
5  B 15  C 25  A 35  B 45  C
6  A 16  B 26  D 36  A 46  D
7  A 17  C 27  A 37  C 47  D
8  A 18  C 28  C 38  C 48  B
9  B 19  C 29  D 39  C 49  D
10  A 20  B 30  C 40  A 50  C

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